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Meurer Packaging Equipment
Full Range of Film and Case Packers
Tray, Wrap-Around and RSC Case Packer
High-Speed Tray and Wrap Around Case Packer
Film Line Wrapper (Stretch Bander)

Why Choose a Meurer:
MPI Australia– Local Service Support throughout Australia and New Zealand.
24/7–Meurer machines are designed and built for 24 Hour/7 days a week/52 weeks a year.
Ease of Use – Built for the Operator
Electronic Machines – Fully Electronic units driven by independent brushless motors for more efficient operation and less mechanical parts providing the highest flexibility for current and future product and packaging needs.
TPM Compliant – Total Productive Maintenance thanks to complete vision of machine components as well as product / package flow 
Safety and Electrical Standards - All equipment is manufactured to Cat 3 safety and AS60204 Standards.


Meurer Packaging Equipment

Meurer is one of the worldwide leading manufacturers of wrap around/ tray and lid/display case, tray and film and film packaging machines, as well as the equipment for conveying, palletizing and complete end of line systems. From their modern works in Fürstenau and Freren, both nearby Osnabrueck in Germany, with approx. 650 employees, they work on the development, the production and the installation of both stand-alone machines and the complete packaging lines.

The Meurer group is supported by its worldwide agents, who employ trained sales and service staff. MPI Australia is their agents for Australia and New Zealand.

Meurer is the solution provider for secondary packaging machinery for the full range of primary packaging.

Folding Boxes
Flexibles, Pouches
Cups, Cans, Dishes
Thermo-formed Packaging
Jars, Bottles, Tubes

More information can be found at the Meurer Website

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